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How to Use Siimple AI (Beta)
How to Use Siimple AI (Beta)

Siimple AI to help you write better content, here's how to make the most out of it.

Updated this week

You can use Siimple AI to help you write content for your website.

In order to enable Siimple AI, all you need to do is fill in your site Name and Description as fully and completely as you can when you create your site, or edit it in the Settings tab of your site editor.

โœ… Make sure your description is at least 60 characters long.

The more context that you provide here, the more Siimple AI can tailor your experience and give you more accurate and useful results.

๐Ÿšซ The less information you provide, the less accurate your generations will be

The information that you add here gets saved to your settings. You can change this at any time by clicking on the 'Settings' Tab.

๐Ÿ“Œ The Name and Description of your site that used for AI is different from your header Title and Description, you may set these separately.

How to use simple AI to generate your text

AI is automatically enabled on all Description fields in each Page Section and on each Item within those page sections in the Editor.

All you have to do is click into the field and then click on the Stars Icon โœจ from the toolbar. Siimple AI will begin generating the written text for you.

Continue Generating AI Text

If you'd like Siimple AI to continue writing more for you, just place your cursor at the end of the text and click the Stars Icon โœจ again to Extend the AI generation.

If you'd like to start over, just delete the text and click the Stars Icon โœจ again.

How your information is used

We use OpenAI under the hood, we do not collect any personally identify information or pass it onto OpenAI.

You can opt out of enabling AI on your site at anytime by going to 'Settings' and toggling on/off the Enable Siimple AI option.

๐Ÿ“ฎ This feature is still in Beta, if you notice any issues or have any feedback please chat in with us!

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